Elijah Interfaith news
Remembering Jean Vanier - An Appreciation by David Ford
30/05/2019 | Na stronie od 30/05/2019

- UNESCO Chairs Conference - Appreciating the Value of Friendship Across Religions (Elijah Interfaith is part of a UNESCO network devoted to interreligious dialogue)
- Remembering Jean Vanier- An Appreciation by David Ford
- Summer School 2019 - SPECIAL OFFER!
- Sharing Wisdom- A Conversation on Meditation and Prayer
In early May, a group of UNESCO academic chairs (Elijah Interfaith is part of a UNESCO network devoted to interreligious dialogue) and other experts met in Baku, Azerbaijan, in advance of the Baku Forum to discuss best practices in interfaith relations and broader issues relating to governance, policy and interfaith, as practiced in various locations globally. Elijah presented its friendship initiative and the fruits of recent deliberations by Elijah leaders towards a global declaration of friendship between religions. (...)
Remembering Jean Vanier- An Appreciation by David Ford
Jean Vanier was one of the most loved and appreciated religious figures worldwide. Anyone who knew him in person would understand why this soft-spoken, yet profound, engaged and active person could win the hearts of many. Philosopher and theologian, he was also the initiator of L’arche, an international federation of communities, in 37 countries, working for people with developmental disabilities. Vanier was a friend of Elijah, and followed its work with interest and profound empathy. Rev. Prof. David Ford, member of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders, was particularly close to him. We are happy to share his appreciation of Jean Vanier.
Summer School 2019 - SPECIAL OFFER!
Enroll now in our summer school and receive free accommodation in a private home. If you live in Jerusalem, take a guest from overseas and pay NOTHING for your participation in our summer school. An experience not to be forgotten in the holy city of Jerusalem, where intellectual enrichment is experienced in the context of a spiritual community Click here to register now.
Sharing Wisdom- A Conversation on Meditation and Prayer
Prayer and Meditation – Interviews with Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein was hosted for a public dialogue by Rabbi Elie Spitz at Congregation Bnai Israel in Tustin, California. Several short video clips were produced from the larger conversation, focusing on prayer and meditation, with special reference to Alon’s own experience. We are happy to share these with Wisdom readers. (...)