Nowa strona internetowa Międzynarodowego Forum Abrahamicznego (IAF)
12/05/2019 | Na stronie od 12/05/2019

International Abrahamic Forum (IAF)
The International Abrahamic Forum benefits deeply from the many decades of fruitful experience in dialogue between Christians and Jews by its parent organization, the ICCJ. The IAF was established to expand inter-religious conversation to include Muslims as full partners in order to offer opportunities to advance the discussion and explore new ways of interacting with each other in the spirit of dialogue. The IAF offers a global platform for those ICCJ member organizations and individuals who are already engaged in this trilateral dialogue, and opens new partnerships with other organizations to create an international network for connecting people, local communities and organizations where experiences may be shared and new projects may flourish.
IAF Mission Statement
The International Abrahamic Forum benefits deeply from the many decades of fruitful experience in dialogue between Christians and Jews by its parent organization, the ICCJ.
The IAF was established to expand inter-religious conversation to include Muslims as full partners in order to offer opportunities to advance the discussion and explore new ways of interacting with each other in the spirit of dialogue. The IAF offers a global platform for those ICCJ member organizations and individuals who are already engaged in this trilateral dialogue, and opens new partnerships with other organizations to create an international network for connecting people, local communities and organizations where experiences may be shared and new projects may flourish.
Valuing the wisdom of the religious Other, recognizing religious differences and boundaries, and opposing discrimination towards Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other religious groups, the IAF aims to
- discover commonalities and shared values
- respect differences in thought and practice
- promote mutual respect between and among different religious groups
- raise awareness of the diverse experiences of religious communities
- nurture interfaith collaboration
- cultivate the joy of discovering beauty in the Other
- create space for sharing and exchanging narratives and experiences
- develop frameworks for mutual encounter and exchange
- stimulate open discourse and the exchange of ideas
- initiate critically-constructive dialogue
- educate for and about interreligious dialogue and solidarity
- generate educational methods and tools for inter-religious understanding
- serve as a global think tank that challenges established assumptions and offers new paradigms for interreligious cooperation