Coronaspection: World Religious Leaders Reflect on COVID-19 by Alon Goshen-Gottstein.
24/08/2020 | Na stronie od 24/08/2020
![Elijah is happy to announce the release by Cascade Books of Coronaspection: World Religious Leaders Reflect on COVID-19 by Alon Goshen-Gottstein. You have been following the Coronaspection pr](/storage/app/media/Grafika/2020/08/elijah-interfaith/cropped-images/coronaspection-summary-0-3-600-300-1598621926.jpg)
From: Elijah Interfaith Institute
Elijah is happy to announce the release by Cascade Books of Coronaspection: World Religious Leaders Reflect on COVID-19 by Alon Goshen-Gottstein. You have been following the Coronaspection project over the past few months. We have had hundreds of thousands of views and responses and a reach of millions. Time and again, Alon has been asked what we learn from the Coronaspection project teaches us. What are its general conclusions? What inspiration does religion provide to the world during COVID-19? How does religion function during COVID-19? These questions have led to an analysis of the content of the 40 videos from 7 faiths and 15 countries. The analysis, lessons and overview of the videos series is now available from Cascade Books, as a testimony to the power of religion in times of crisis.
Table of Contents
Coronaspection Insights
"The challenge is: can we transform interconnectivity to a connectivity of compassion?" Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, UK “Life is precious, everybody matters." Elder Jeffrey Holland, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, USA
"You are calling on us to seize this time of trial, as a time of choosing." Pope Francis, The Vatican
"This earthquake can break some cracks, from which can come divine light to our lives." Patriarch Sahag Mashalian, Turkey
"The life of one person is more important than the whole religion, it's more important than gathering at the synagogues to pray." Rabbi Berel Lazar, Russia
"We have treated the world as our Oyster, we have taken for granted the fact that we can buy virtually anything and travel pretty much anywhere with ease, with impunity. And one of the questions is; when this is over, is it status quo ante, will the world return to what it was, and do we want to return to what it was?"
"We are one humanity. What happens to one, will ultimately happens to all." Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, UK
“Corona is an invitation to see beyond what does not matter, and see only what matters.” Rabbi Tamar Applebaum-Elad, Israel
"All of humanity is one.” Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, USA
"Our doors are locked but our hearts should be open." Swami Chidanand Saraswati, India
"Corona has given this little idea for us to stop and think.” Shrivasta Goswami, India
"Courage is our mind's antivirus." Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), India
"This is a lesson we have to learn: everybody can be happy, only when everybody else can be happy." Swami Atmapriyananda, India
"There's many things that we can learn from this moment for example the joys of living a simple life, being content and satisfy with whatever we have." Karma Lekshe Tsomo, USA
"The Buddha constantly taught to his followers: everything is interconnected." Geshe Tashi Tsering, India
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