ŻIH: webinary z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Pamięci o Ofiarach Holokaustu
25/01/2022 | Na stronie od 25/01/2022

Auschwitz. Wikipedia
Źródło: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny
Żydowski Instytut Historyczny zaprasza
Autor: Przemysław Batorski
Zapraszamy na webinary z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Pamięci Ofiar Holokaustu, w których weźmie udział Dyrektor ŻIH Monika Krawczyk.
Wydarzenia odbędą się 25 i 26 stycznia online w języku angielskim. Wymagana jest rejestracja. / Join 2022 International Holocaust Remembrance
Day webinars with JHI Director Monika Krawczyk, organized on January 25 and January 26. Both events will be held online. Registration is required.
January 25, 2022, 6:00 PM (GMT+1:00)
Holocaust Remembrance in the Digital Era. Practices, Challenges, and Ideas
Materiały uzupełniające:
- Monika Krawczyk (Director, Jewish Historical Institute, Warszawa)
- Elke Gryglewski (Director, Stiftung niedersächsische Gedenkstätten, Bergen-Belsen Memorial)
- Judith Hoehne-Krawczyk (Director, International Youth Meeting Centre in Oświęcim/Auschwitz)
Moderator: Hanna Radziejowska (Director, Pilecki Institute in Berlin)
Date: January 25, 2022, 6:00 PM (GMT+1:00)
January 26, 2022, 10:00 AM (GMT+1:00)
Webinar on The Legacy of Auschwitz:
Research, Education and Public Memory in relation to 77th Anniversary of the liberation of German nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and International Holocaust Remembrance Day The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholmwould like to hereby invite to a webinar with a discussion between the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Pilecki Institute in Warsaw, The Polish Research Institute archive in Lund (Sweden) with a unique collection of source material from the survivors of Ravensbruck and other German nazi Concentration Camps, as well as Lärbro War Hospital's museum on Gotland (Sweden), which reminiscents of Swedish healthcare and refugee reception during World War II of camp prisoners who were liberated in the final stages of the war and taken to Gotland by the “white busses”.
Monika Krawczyk, an attorney by profession, serves currently as Director of Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. She is the former CEO of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (2004-2019), former president of Jewish Community in Poland, and served in Boards of several institutions responsible for preservation of cultural heritage in Poland. She is an author of many articles on Jewish history and Holocaust.
Magdalena Turowska, head of the Education Department of the Pilecki Institute, a research institution based in Warsaw. M.A. in history from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Former deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation in the Ministry of Education (2019-2021), where she was responsible for bilateral and multilateral relations, including membership in the Education Working Group of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
Håkan Håkansson, associate professor in the History of Ideas and Sciences, and my main area of research is the scientific and religious culture of early modern Europe. Previous jobs have included a brief stint as »Frances Yates Fellow« of The Warburg Institute, London University, and a research appointment within the »World View Network«, an international research project focusing on early modern science, involving participants from England, Italy, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic. Since 2013 He primarily works at the Manuscripts and Special Collections department at Lund University Library, but periodically I also teach and supervise at the Department of Cultural Sciences.
Tomasz Leśniak, Bachelor of Arts at Lund University (1995-1999), employed as an editor at the Swedish company BTJ (1999-2015). Since 2015 has been employed at Lund University Library as a project assistant responsible for description and digitization of The Polish Research Institute´s Collection and dr Zygmunt Lakocinski´s private archive. He has also been analyzing the archive of The Swedish Support Committee for Solidarity in Lund. In 2021, he published an academic article that trace the rich history of the Committee.
Clary Winberg, Active as a journalist on Gothland and former studies at Lund University and Skurup (f e economic history and journalism). Since 2004 engaged in local history of the II World War when Lärbro had a Military Hospital for Soldiers, refugees and former victims from Concentration Camps in Europé. Active participation in the Construction of a Museum Lärbro War Hospital.
Willy Silberstein, is a Swedish journalist, he has mainly worked for Sveriges Radio, which is one of Sweden’s leading news organizations. Willy Silberstein is the son of survivors from the Holocaust, most of the relatives on both his mother’s and father’s side were murdered during the war. For many years Willy Silberstein was the head of Sweden’s National Committee Against Antisemitism.
- Date & Time: January 26th, 2022, at 10.00-11.15 (GMT+1)
- Place: Webinar will be held via ZOOM. It is possible to attend via web browser.
- Registration: Please register by sending an e-mail at: stockholm.emb.rsvp@msz.gov.pl
- After registration you will receive to the provided e-mail address a link to the webinar platform on ZOOM
- Language: English
- Host: The Embassy of the Republic of Poland to the Kingdom of Sweden