"Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace" - a Conversation followed by Meditation
The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem are continuing our weekly on-line gatherings for healing and peace in a time of crisis.
26/10/2023 | Na stronie od 25/10/2023

Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute
Following our powerful interfaith conversations about the potential of the human being, each created in the Divine image, we will delve deeper into the human person as an agent of peace.
Contributors will include Fr Russ McDougall (Christian, USA), Rabbi Art Green (Jewish, USA/Israel) and Sr Luc Nghiem (Buddhist, France), who will also lead our meditation.
- Sr Luc Nghiem
- Fr. Russ McDougall
- Rabbi Art Green
Moderated by Peta Pellach Jones
All welcome.
- Join on Zoom
- Meeting ID: 862 7051 5525
- Passcode: 405863