Upholding the Dignity of the Human Person in Times of Conflict
21/12/2023 | Na stronie od 20/12/2023

Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute
Elijah Interfaith Institute
The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem
are continuing our weekly on-line gatherings in a time of crisis.
Upholding the Dignity of the Human Person
With a response by Maria Reis Habito, who will also lead us in a guided meditation, followed by Muslim, Christian and Jewish prayers.
Rabbi Kohn is the rabbi of Bat Ayin, an orthodox Hassidic village in the Judean Mountains. He has taught hundreds of students, combining the world of Torah learning, Jewish mysticism and deep psychological insight, and has culled and developed effective techniques for personal and spiritual renewal. He is trained as a narrative therapist and life coach and teaches in various yeshivot and rabbinical programs.
Maria Reis Habito is the International Program Director of the Museum of World Religions and the Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute USA. After teaching at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, she assumed responsibility for the international Interfaith program of the Museum of World Religions in 2002. She joined the Elijah Interfaith Institute in 2003.
All welcome.
- Rav Daniel Kohn (Jewish, Israel)
- Peta Jones Pellach (Elijah Interfaith Institute)
- Buddhist meditation offered by Maria Reis Habito (USA)
- Muslim prayer offered by Issa Jaber (Community Leader, Abu Ghosh)
- Christian prayer offered by Erika Tritle (USA)
Join on Zoom
- Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
- Passcode: 039533
- Pacific time: 7 am
- ET time: 10 am
- London time: 3 pm
- Central European time: 4 pm
- Jerusalem time: 5 pm
- India time: 8:30 pm