JCRelations.net: January edition online
03/01/2025 | Na stronie od 03/01/2025

Source: ICCJ
January edition online
This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: November contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
- English: Adam Gregerman: Unfulfilled Promise. Pope Francis and the Israel-Hamas war. Article
- English: Ephraim Meir: Post-Holocaust Theology. An overview. Article
- German: Frank Littek: Retter in dunkler Zeit. Artikel
- German: Karl-Josef Kuschel: «Unser Geist ist Weltgeist». Stefan Zweig und das Drama eines jüdischen Weltbürgertums. Artikel
- French: Haïm Korsia: Rêver la réconciliation. Article
- Spanish: Adam Gregerman: Promesa incumplida. El papa Francisco y la guerra entre Israel y Hamás. Articulo
- Russian: Виктория Герасимова: Кровь в иудео-христианских отношениях на Смоленщине в XVIII – начале XX вв. Научные
JCRelations January 2025 Highlights:
English articles:
- Adam Gregerman: Unfulfilled Promise. Pope Francis and the Israel-Hamas war. Article
- Ephraim Meir: “Post-Holocaust Theology. An overview. Article
- ICCJ Theology Committee: Suffering and Hope. Article
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishophs: New Glossary Breaks Ground in Tackling Antisemitism Through a Catholic Lens. Report
- Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem: A Christmas Message – 2024. Report - David M. Neuhaus, SJ: Israel: A Christian Grammar. Book reviews
German articles:
- Frank Littek: Retter in dunkler Zeit. Artikel
- Karl-Josef Kuschel: «Unser Geist ist Weltgeist». Stefan Zweig und das Drama eines jüdischen Weltbürgertums. Artikel
- Zentralrat der Juden: Gemeindebarometer 2024. Bericht
- Wilhelm Schwendemann: Bubers Schriften zur zionistischen Politik und zur jüdisch-arabischen Frage. Rezension
French articles:
- Haïm Korsia: Rêver la réconciliation. Articles
- Jean-Dominique Durand et Christophe Le Sourt: Choisir les mots justes, un devoir moral pour la paix au Moyen-Orient. Articles
- Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa OFM: Cette guerre est aussi un point tournant dans le dialogue interreligieux. Articles
- Jean-Dominique Durand: Lettre de l’Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne à ses amis juifs. Déclarations
Spanish article:
- Adam Gregerman: Promesa incumplida. El papa Francisco y la guerra entre Israel y Hamás. Articulos
Russian articles:
- Виктория Герасимова: Кровь в иудео-христианских отношениях на Смоленщине в XVIII – начале XX вв.