Elijah Interfaith Summer School and Interreligious Leadership Seminar 2021
02/08/2021 | Na stronie od 31/05/2021

Source: Elijah interfaith Institute
Interreligious Perspectives on Global Solidarity and Caring for the Other.
Following almost a year and a half of COVID-19, many global issues have come into clearer relief. A common denominator of the issues confronting the world is that they present a challenge to religions: How to increase global solidarity? How to care more effectively for the other?
Conscious of these challenges, we will devote the 2021 edition of the Elijah Interfaith Summer School and Leadership Training Seminar to issues of global solidarity. Once again , the seminar will be conducted online. Wherever you are in the world, you can join us for a profound conversation on matters of global significance through the lens of the world’s great religions.
Using diverse methodologies including text study (“chevruta”), lectures and panels of world religious leaders and scholars, open discussions and Bibliodrama, we will explore the imperative to care for each other and the environment, and the role of religions in dealing with global issues.
We will examine topics including
- the spiritual basis of human and global interconnectivity and the moral and theological foundations for social responsibility;
- the religious mandate to do good and values of charity, justice, responsibility;
- rethinking charity in a global age, in light of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals;
- Pope Francis as social theorist: study and responses to his epistles
- care for society and care for creation
- global solidarity - the post-national and transnational world and the implications for religions; challenges of migration;
- promise and limitations of a theory of global ethics.