Projekt EHRI
17/06/2021 | Na stronie od 17/06/2021

Na stronie Projektu EHRI, realizowanym w ramach programu KE Horizon 2020, w którym ŻIH uczestniczy od 2010 roku, została opublikowana nowa podstrona z "raportami dyplomatycznymi”. Sprawozdania korpusu dyplomatycznego sojuszniczych, neutralnych i wrogich państw opisują prześladowania Żydów podczas II wojny światowej.
Diplomatic Reports
The online edition "Diplomatic Reports" focuses on how diplomatic staff reported the persecution and murder of European Jews during World War II. It contains documents by the diplomatic staff of (temporary) allies, opponents as well as neutral countries, reporting from countries under German occupation. Next to the documents and translations, the edition offers an introduction to the countries the diplomatic staff came from, highlighting their diplomatic relations before and during the war, the general character of the reports and the role that the persecution of the Jews played in them. Currently, the edition includes reports of the diplomatic staff from Denmark, Italy, Japan and the US. Foreseeable, reports by Hungarian, Slovak and Swedish diplomats will be added.