GEOP’s latest post-conference publication
31/10/2023 | Na stronie od 31/10/2023

Źródło: POLIN
Post-conference publication: "Biographies and Politics: The Involvement of Jews and People of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland."
This publication contains papers presented at the conference "Biographies and Politics. The involvement of Jews and People of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland" organized in 2019 by POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, together with Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum Für Polenstudien, Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford and UCL.
They essays raise the subject of the involvement of Jews in leftist movements in the Polish lands in the 19th and 20th centuries from the perspective of their individual ideological choices. The presented collection of essays focuses on personal stories and on formation of political identity analyzed using the biographical method. It seeks answers to questions about the motivations of Polish Jews joining leftist groups.
- Title: "Biographies and Politics. The Involvement of Jews and Persons of Jewish Descent in 19th and 20th Century Leftist Movements," introduction and editing by Michał Trębacz, in: Jewish History Quarterly, September 2023, No. 3 (287), pp. 433-661.
- Editor: Michał Trębacz
- Publisher: Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
Table of Contents:
- Michał Trębacz: Introduction
- Piotr Forecki, Anna Zawadzka: "'The Różańskis, the Fejgins, the Bermans.' Jewish Communists as a Collective Entity in the Polish Collective Imagination"
- Piotr Laskowski: "Autobiographical Parabasis. Mojżesz Kaufman (1880-1936) and the Politics of Historical Writing"
- Anna Ładowska: "Diana Blond as a Second-Generation Activist in the Bund"
- Magdalena Grabowska: "Edwarda Orłowska. Politician, Activist, Feminist?"
- Ewa Herbst: "Herman Diamand – on the 90th Anniversary of His Death"
- Stanisław Krajewski: "How Jewish were Jewish Communists?"
- Jan Rybak: Malke Schorr’s Childhood and Youth in Lwów: A revolutionary Jewish Woman’s Autobiography
- Daniel J. Walkowitz: The Bund Milieu: The Polish-Jewish Left-Wing Diaspora, From Łódź and Białystok to Paterson, N.J.
Materiały z konferencji "Biographies and Politics. The involvement of Jews and People of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland"
Publikacja zawiera referaty wygłoszone na konferencji "Biographies and Politics. The involvement of Jews and People of Jewish Origin in Leftist Movements in 19th and 20th Century Poland" zorganizowanej w 2019 roku przez Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN wspólnie z Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum Für Polenstudien, Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies oraz UCL.
Referaty skupiają się na nakreśleniu obrazu faktycznego zaangażowania Żydów w działalność ruchów lewicowych na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku z perspektywy ich indywidualnych wyborów ideowych. Prezentowany blok materiałów przedstawia jednostkowe historie i kształtowanie się tożsamości politycznej analizowane metodą biograficzną, starają się odpowiedzieć na pytania o motywacje polskich Żydów wstępujących do ugrupowań lewicowych.
- Tytuł: Biographies and Politics. The involvement of Jews and Persons of Jewish Descent in 19th and 20th Century Leftist Movements, wstęp i red. nauk. Michał Trębacz, w: "Kwartalnik Historii Żydów", wrzesień 2023, nr 3 (287), s. 433-661.
- Redakcja: Michał Trębacz
- Wydawca: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
- Michał Trębacz: Introduction
- Piotr Forecki, Anna Zawadzka: “The Różańskis, the Fejgins, the Bermans.” Jewish Communists as a Collective Entity in the Polish Collective Imagination
- Piotr Laskowski: Autobiographical Parabasis. Mojżesz Kaufman (1880-1936) and the Politics of Historical Writing
- Anna Ładowska: Diana Blond as a Second-Generation Activist in the Bund
- Magdalena Grabowska: Edwarda Orłowska. Politician, Activist, a Feminist?
- Ewa Herbst: Herman Diamand – on the 90th Anniversary of His Death
- Stanisław Krajewski: How Jewish were Jewish Communists?
- Jan Rybak: Malke Schorr’s Childhood and Youth in Lwów: A revolutionary Jewish Woman’s Autobiography
- Daniel J. Walkowitz: The Bund Milieu: The Polish-Jewish Left-Wing Diaspora, From Łódź and Białystok to Paterson, N.J.