New articles are available on April contributions
03/04/2024 | Na stronie od 03/04/2024

Source:Martin-Buber-House, Heppenheim, April 3, 2024
This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations. April edition online
English articles:
- Yehoyada Amir: Israel as a Jewish State – Religious and Secular Dimensions. Article
- Alan Rosenbaum: Interfaith Dialogue: Making Religion Part of Israel’s Middle East Peace. Article
- Roberto Cetera: Rabbis and scholars thank Pope for sowing friendship amidst animosity. Report
- Pope Francis: My heart is close to you, to the Holy Land, to all the peoples who inhabit it, Israelis and Palestinians. Statements
- Karma Ben Johanan et al: We extend an invitation to the Church to broaden the dialogue. Statements
- Archbishop Elpidophoros: Orthodox Church seeks God’s mercy and endeavors to strengthen its ties with the venerable tradition of Judaism. Statements
- Raphael Jospe: "The Messiah Confrontation: Pharisees Versus Sadducees and the Death of Jesus". Review Essay
- Jean-Dominique Durand: On the events which have shaken us to the core. Articles
- William Stewart Skiles: In Defense of a Just Society: Buber Contra Gandhi on Jewish Migration to Palestine. Articles
- Anette Adelmann: REGISTRATION OPEN! ICCJ 2024 Conference: Holiness. Reports
- Anglican Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada: “Stand against antisemitism,” leaders call ahead of Holy Week. Statements
- Steven L. Jacobs: David Patterson: Judaism, Antisemitism, and Holocaust: Making the Connections. Book reviews
French articles:
- Ervin Budiselic: Les L’importance de la judéité de Jésus pour l’interprétation des Évangiles. Articles
- Nous invitons l'Église à élargir le dialogue. Déclarations
- Église évangélique luthérienne et Église anglicane du Canada: « Luttez contre l’antisémitisme », un appel à l'occasion de la Semaine Sainte Déclarations
- Pape François: «Vous n’êtes pas seuls». Déclarations
Spanish article:
- Jean-Dominique Durand: Sucesos que nos conmocionan.
Russian article:
- Татьяна Хижая: Русские иудействующие и трансильванские саббатариане.