Bibliografie udostępniane przez ważne instytucje dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego

Synagoga and Ecclesia - Sculpture by Joshua Koffman

Synagoga and Ecclesia - Sculpture by Joshua Koffman

  1. Bibliografie autorskie:
    • E. Jóźwiak, A. Kuśmirek, „Dialog chrześcijańsko-żydowski. Wybrana bibliografia polskojęzyczna 1964–1989”, „Collectanea Theologica” 3 (1990), s. 113–118;
    • M. Mikołajczyk, „Bibliografia dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego w Polsce za lata 1945–1995”, Warszawa 1997;
    • M. Mikołajczyk, „Bibliografia dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego w Polsce za rok 2001”,
    • „Maqom. Biuletyn informacyjny Instytutu dialogu katolicko-judaistycznego” 1–2 (2005) s. 9–74; M. Mikołajczyk,
    • „Bibliografia dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego w Polsce za rok 2002”,
    • „Maqom. Biuletyn informacyjny Instytutu dialogu katolicko-judaistycznego” 1–2 (2006), s. 18–65; M. Mikołajczyk,
    • „Bibliografia dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego w Polsce za rok 2003”,
    • „Maqom. Biuletyn informacyjny Instytutu dialogu katolicko-judaistycznego” 1–2 (2006), s. 59–100.
  2. Bibliography of Dialogue Between Orthodox Christians and Jews by rev. Petra Heldt.
    The titles of the following journals and series are abbreviated: World Council of Churches Consultation on the Church and the Jewish People (CCJP), Greek Orthodox Theological Review (G077?), Journal o f Ecu-menical Studies (JES), Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly (SVSQ), Saint Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly(SVTQ). Note that Episkepsis is the bulletin of the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambesy, Geneva.
    • Orthodox Christians in Dialogue with Jews (OCDJ) resurces.
      Orthodox Christians in Dialogue with Jews is a project of the Orthodox Theological Society in America, which aims to gather Orthodox Christian scholars and pastoral leaders to further our understanding of our theological and liturgical tradition on the basis of these rekindled contacts, this deepened understanding of both Christian and Jewish origins, with respect for the mystery of Israel and the ongoing presence of our Jewish brothers and sisters today.
  3. Biblioteka rosyjskiej literatury religijno-filozoficznej.
  4. Collectanea Theologica 1990, Tom 60, Numer 3, ISSN 0137-6985, Wydawca Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
  5. Czasopisma humanistyczne, Waldemar Crostowski
  6. Current Dialogue Magazine /World Council of Churches (WCC).
    Current Dialogue is the World Council of Churches' journal on interreligious dialogue, offering a platform for debate to those who want to build bridges across religious divides and to their partners of different faiths.
    Current Dialogue addresses academics, interfaith practitioners, researchers, students, institutions, religious leaders of different faiths, and all those interested in the study of religions.
  7. Dialogica
    Online library that chronicles the evolving conversation and relationship between the Christian and Jewish communities. Maintained through the collaboration of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR) and the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations of Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, it provides a comprehensive cyber-archive of official statements, historic documents, educational resources, and current information.
  8. JCR: Nuevo recurso didáctico en el sitio web de Dialogika.
  9. The Roman Curia, Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews,documents:.
    La Commissione per le relazioni religiose con l’ebraismo venne creata da Paolo VI il 22 ottobre 1974, ma già prima del 1974, durante il concilio Vaticano Secondo, in occasione della preparazione del documento conosciuto oggi come Nostra aetate, era emerso il tema complesso e urgente delle relazioni con l’ebraismo. Per questo motivo papa Giovanni XXIII il 5 giugno 1960 aveva deciso di creare il Segretariato per la promozione dell'unità dei cristiani come organo di preparazione del concilio e la questione dell’ebraismo e dei suoi rapporti con la chiesa venne affidata al suo presidente, il cardinale Bea.
  10. IMMANUEL A Journal of Religious Thought and Research in Israel.
    Immanuel is an organ of religious research in Israel, dedicated to promoting dialogue between Christians and Jews and to disseminating abroad the experience gained in this dialogue. It appears either semi-annually or as a yearbook devoted to a focal theme, and reflects the study programs and research of the Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel. Its contributors are Jews and Christians living in Israel, augmented by contributions from others having a direct interest in de Christian-Jewish dialogue in this country. Immanuel was founded by Jacobus (Coos) Schoneveld, in the year 1972. The last issue (26/27) was published in 1994.
  11. The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization,
    Founded by Louis Littman in memory of his father to explore, explain, and perpetuate the Jewish heritage, published its first book in 1965. In its early years it published under the auspices of established houses, most famously Oxford University Press. As its list of published titles grew and its reputation developed, it became clear that its goals would be better served by publishing independently. The Littman Library is now known throughout the world of Jewish studies as a leader in the field.
  12. Polin: established in 1986 by the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, has acquired a well-deserved reputation for publishing authoritative material on all aspects of Polish Jewry.
    Contributions are drawn from many disciplines - history, politics, religious studies, literature, linguistics, sociology, art, and architecture-and from a wide variety of viewpoints. "Nobody can doubt that systematic study of Polish-Jewish history is of the highest scholarly interest.... Polin, having many prominent Polish and Jewish scholars among its contributors, will be able to inject a new life into those studies. All scholars in the humanities will certainly hail it as a most welcome event." Leszek Kolakowski
  13. Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations - the journal of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations, published by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College.
    Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations is the journal of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations and is published by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College.
    The Journal publishes peer-reviewed scholarship on the history, theology, and contemporary realities of Jewish-Christian relations and reviews new materials in the field. The Journal also provides a vehicle for exchange of information, cooperation, and mutual enrichment in the field of Christian-Jewish studies and relations.
  14. Texts from the History of the Relationship (CCJR).. Primary Texts on History of Relations. Dating from the Patristic/Rabbinic Era until the Dawn of Modernity Plus a Few More Recent Texts.
    "In the Christian world ... erroneous and unjust interpretations of the New Testament relative to the Jewish people and their presumed guilt circulated for too long, engendering sentiments of hostility toward this people." – (Pope John Paul II, October 31, 1997). These words, spoken at a Vatican conference on "The Roots of Anti-Judaism in the Christian Milieu," are a fitting prelude to this collection of primary texts. Many reflect the growth of a Christian theological system that delegitimized the ongoing Jewish tradition and abetted the marginalization of Jews in Christian Europe. There are also texts representing Jewish polemical responses to these developments, though they are few in number due to the efficiency of Christian censors over the years. (The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations is an association of centers and institutes in the United States and Canada devoted to enhancing mutual understanding between Jews and Christians.) "
  15. "Więź"
    • książki ważne do zrozumienia relacji polsko-żydowskich,
    • relacje chrześcijańsko- i polsko-żydowskie,
    • wciąż obecny w Polsce antysemityzm,
    • wartość dialogu między katolikami i Żydami.
  16. Yad Vashem, Academic Articles