Z wypowiedzi Kościołów prawosławnych o stosunkach z Żydami i religią żydowską

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

" On - Istniejący - jest Bogiem i Ojcem wszystkich, a my wszyscy jesteśmy braćmi, bowiem stanowimy dzieci Starego Przymierza zawartego na Synaju, który w Nowym Testamencie, jak wierzymy my - chrześcijanie - został odnowiony przez Chrystusa. Te dwa p...

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Statement on Antisemitism

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

We view with deep concern various expressions of animosity towards Jews in our countries. Jewish dialogue partners describe an increase in antisemitism, which has taken many forms: graffiti on synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, verbal abuse, telep...

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Recommendations for the Liturgy

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

At its annual meetings, 2001 – 2003 the European Lutheran Commission on the Church and the Jewish People (LEKKJ) studied a number of liturgical texts, and especially the prayers which have as their theme the relationship between the church and the J...

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Life in Diversity - On God's Trail Mission and Ecumenicity, Witness and Dialogue As Central Fields of Work of the Church

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

The text of this statement is based on a working assignment given by the Office for Mission and Ecumenical Affairs to its Committee for Witness and Dialogue in May 2002. The Committee was asked to clarify in a theological declaration the “strained a...

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Response to Dabru Emet

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

Since the Shoah, a noteworthy change has taken place in the Lutheran churches concerning our view of Judaism and the Jewish people, a change of a kind previously unknown in the history of our churches. In its Driebergen Declaration (1991), the Europ...

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An American Baptist Response to "Dabru Emet [To Speak the Truth]: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity". 2002-07-10

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

As members of the Committee on Christian Unity of the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., we wish to express our appreciation to the members of the National Jewish Scholars Project who authored “Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians a...

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"The Passion of the Christ": Concerns and Recommendations in Anticipation of the Forthcoming Film

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

The portrayal of the Passion of Jesus is one of the most difficult subjects in the history of Jewish-Christian relations. Whenever and however it is told, the Passion sets the Jew Jesus, his Jewish disciples, other Jewish leaders, a larger Jewish...

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Z wypowiedzi Kościołów Reformacji o stosunkach z Żydami i religią żydowską

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

Istnieje nierozerwalny związek między wybraniem Kościoła, a wybraniem Izraela, między “starym”, a “nowym” przymierzem. Stosunek do Izraela należy nierozerwalnie dla chrześcijan i Kościołów do pytania o podstawę ich wiary. W spo...

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Joint Statement on Antisemitism by the Presidents of the Council of Christians and Jews (U.K.)

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

Since its inception sixty years ago during the darkest days of World War Two, the Council of Christians and Jews has continued to confront the evil of antisemitism with a message of healing and mutual respect between our communities.

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Declaration of Joint Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church and the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

"They stated that they were deeply moved by this historic meeting and Declaration, which serves, they said, as a testimony of the Divine power of reconciliation, peace and mutual respect that can and will overcome the violence and hatred that abo...

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