Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

Sheila Barshay Goldbloom in an interview with Bill Brownstein, Montreal Gazette, June 14, 2019


Opening Doors

Sheila Barshay Goldbloom, the widow of ICCJ's former President Victor Goldbloom (z"l), recently published her memoirs, entitled "Opening Doors" – a book review by Deborah Weissman.

ICCJ offices Maartin Buber House Heppenheim


ICCJ - lektura na luty 2020

Nowe teksty dostępne JCRelations.net, w tym:
Mohammad Al-Issa and David Harris: How Auschwitz Has United Muslims and Jews. Article


ICCJ 2020 Conference /postponed - COVID-2019/

Preparations for ICCJ's 2020 annual conference to be held in Bratislava/Slovakia, June 28 - July 1, are under way. The theme of the conference is "Stories We Live By: Relating to the Self and Other"


ICCJ - lektura na styczeń 2020

W tym: Simon J. Joseph: How the Jewish Writings between the Old and New Testament Help Us Understand Jesus. Book review
Przewodniczący Międzynarodowej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów dr. Bo Sandahl


Święta Światła!

Boże Narodzenie i Chanuka obchodzone są w tym roku w tym samym czasie.[...] kuszące jest porównanie tych świąt ze sobą.

ICCJ offices Marrtin Buber House Happenheim


Rosh haShanah 5780 Greetings

In the ICCJ perspective we see the necessity of intensifying and widening dialogue. We see the rise of nationalism and antisemitism, and the marginalisation of religion in society. No doubt, the challenges are huge!