U Żydów

Alon Goshen Gottstein

Na stronie od 2023-11-10

04/10/2023 r.

Alon Goshen-Gottstein: When Jews spit in contempt, it is likely a symptom of deeper ills, especially ignorance and a refusal to learn about the other

Alon Goshen-Gottstein is the founder and director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute. He is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading figures in interreligious dialogue, specializing in bridging the theological and academic dimension with a variety of practical initiatives, especially involving world religious leadership. Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein - Człowiek Pojednania za rok 2009.

Shalom Hartman Institute logo

Na stronie od 2023-11-03

03/11/2023 r.

Shalom Hartman Institute

The Shalom Hartman Institute is a leading center of Jewish thought and education, serving Israel and North America. Our mission is to strengthen Jewish peoplehood, identity, and pluralism; to enhance the Jewish and democratic character of Israel; and to ensure that Judaism is a compelling force for good in the 21st century.

Na stronie od 2023-10-30

05/11/2023 r.

"Jewish Values and Strategy in Wartime"

The Tikvah Center is an educational center in midtown Manhattan that offers opportunities to study Jewish thought and history, war and statesmanship, economics and public policy, and social thought with renowned thinkers and public figures. The Tikvah Center welcomes individuals of varying ages and background who wish to engage in intensive study of and passionate debate about the most pressing issues facing the Jewish people, and the Jewish State. The Tikvah Center offers educational programs for high school, gap-year, and college students; the yeshiva community; and professionals; as well as the occasional public lecture and event.

Tikvah logo

Na stronie od 2023-10-30

30/10/2023 r.


The Tikvah Center is an educational center in midtown Manhattan that offers opportunities to study Jewish thought and history, war and statesmanship, economics and public policy, and social thought with renowned thinkers and public figures. The Tikvah Center welcomes individuals of varying ages and background who wish to engage in intensive study of and passionate debate about the most pressing issues facing the Jewish people, and the Jewish State. The Tikvah Center offers educational programs for high school, gap-year, and college students; the yeshiva community; and professionals; as well as the occasional public lecture and event.

Machloket L'shem Shemayim - the power of constructive conflict

Na stronie od 2023-10-26

26/10/2023 r.

Israel at War – There is No Justification. But…?

Thoughtful debate elevates us all. Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain revive the Jewish art of constructive discussion on topics related to political and social trends in Israel, Israel-Diaspora relations, and the collective consciousness of being Jewish.
The podcast draws its name from the concept of machloket l’shem shemayim, “disagreeing for the sake of heaven” and is part of the Institute’s iEngage Project.

Yossi Klein Halevi

Na stronie od 2023-10-25

25/10/2023 r.

Yossi Klein Halevi: Why is Israel being blamed for the Hamas massacre?

History imposes on Jews the responsibility to confront the moral consequences of power. But October 7 wasn’t a response to the abuses of Jewish power; it was a reminder of the necessity of Jewish power. In a world in which genocidal enemies persist, powerlessness for the Jewish people is a sin.

Obraz zatytułowany Simchat Tora (heb. Radość Tory) namalowany został przez Tadeusza Popiela pod koniec XIX w.

Na stronie od 2023-09-20

07/10/2023 r.

Wieczór 7. pażdziernika 2023: u Żydów Święto - Radość Tory, Simchat Tora שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה 5784

Ze zmierzchem 7. października 2023 u Żydów w diasporze: Simchat Tora - Radość Tory. W Izraelu już dzień wcześniej.
...To święto jest i symboliczną i dosłowną manifestacją tego jak ważna jest dla Żydów Tora i że jej czytanie jest procesem nieskończonym – nigdy tak naprawdę nie rozstajemy się z naszą Księga, nigdy nie zamykamy jej definitywnie.
Hag Sameach!

Maurycy Gottlieb, Żydzi modlący się podczas święta w synagodze (1878)

Na stronie od 2023-09-17

24/09/2023 r.

Najpoważniejsze święto judaizmu, Jom Kipur

Dzień, w którym Bóg kończy osądzanie ludzi, wydaje wyroki oraz wybacza pokutującym ich winy. Jest to święto opisane w Biblii jako Dzień Pojednania między Bogiem a ludźmi.