Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

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JCRelations.net: October edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.

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JCRelations.net: September 2024 edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.

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Konferencja Międzynarodowej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) Salzburg 2024 (Raport)

W tym roku konferencja Międzynarodowej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) miała miejsce w Salzburgu w Austrii. Spotkanie odbyło się w dniach 23-26 czerwca 2024 roku i było poświęcona tematyce świętości w nawiązaniu do tekstu z Księgi Wajikra/ Kapłańska 19, 2: „Świętymi bądźcie, bo Ja, Pan, wasz Bóg, jestem święty”.
Podczas otwarcia konferencji, trzeci rok z rzędu wręczono Nagrodę Seelisberg, której laureatem w 2025 roku został prof. Edward Kessler MBE, założyciel The Wolff Institute w Cambridge

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JCRelations.net: June 2024 edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.



Edward Kessler to be Awarded 2024 SEELISBERG PRIZE

The SEELISBERG PRIZE is awarded annually (since 2022) by the International Council of Christians and Jews (which originated out of the Seelisberg conference) and the Center for Intercultural Theology and Religions at the University of Salzburg.
It honours individuals who have played major roles through their scholarship and teaching in advancing the rapprochement between Jews and Christians.

ICCJ - JCRelations


New articles are available on JCRelations.net: May contributions

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations. JCRelations May 2024