Na stronie od 2024-06-30
19/04/2024 r.
The Source of Holocaust Envy
81 years ago, on the eve of Pesach, April 19, 1943, the uprising in Warsaw Ghetto began. We should remember it for many reasons, one of them being the disgusting comparisons made with Arab communities suffering presently because of Israeli actions. To many of us, the comparisons seem completely inadequate, but there are diverging opinions why they are unacceptable. I believe that in addition to all the anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish reasons, the comparisons reflect a much larger phenomenon, which we could call “Holocaust envy.” Below, I present a reflection about it, adapted from my book Small Numbers, Big Presence: Jews in Poland After World War II, to be published in Summer 2024 by Peter Lang publishing house.